Moving Some Timber

Moving Some Timber
 613 0 Report
Uploaded by Nicole Watson on Nov 27 2019 in Kingston
Taken on Nov 10 2019

I watched this beaver in Algonquin park, he swam down creek under a bridge then went over and climbed out of the water and up a hill into a wooded area, a mix of coniferous and deciduous trees. He disappeared out of sight for a short time until I spotted him again coming back down the hill towing a large branch. He took it into the water and then started to swim upstream again, when he came out on the other side of the bridge he stopped next to the shore to snack some of the tasty new growth before continuing up the creek. I would imagine this will be part of his food cache stored in a pile under the ice to last through the winter.

Tagged: animal rodent mammal wildlife beaver
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